"My prayers have finally been fulfilled. I asked that all my children would love and be loved. And it has finally happened."At that point I lost it. Tears welled up in my eyes and I could no longer see the happy bride. The sun changed to a hue of orange/red and I immediately began to worry that my eye makeup would start to run. It's a bummer being a girl. That sentence touched me...because I knew it was true. I knew it was genuine. The true prayer of a mothers heart; her children would love and be loved. True, pure, Godly love. It makes me smile now as I type.
I love that she shared that. I love that she honored the Lord in what He had done in her life. What are your prayers? Do you tell people when they have been fulfilled? I don't. I don't always think to tell people. I usually underestimate the power behind sharing what the Lord has done in my life. But in those times that others share, I am reminded of that power. I love it! I love the joy that floods into my heart when I hear of the things that God is doing. So just remember to share...and I will also! Lets remember the power that our words have...in good ways and bad.
"Return home and tell how much God has done for you." So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him." -Luke 8:39I guess that's what I'm saying today..."Tell how much God has done for you"... It's a pretty good idea!!